Tuesday, June 5, 2007


Being Gay Pride month there's a lot of jibber-jabber on YouTube about feminine guys. Criticism is coming from gay men as well as straight. A lot of the talk seems to me to be grounded in misogyny. " Why do you have to 'talk like a girl'." What exactly is it that bothers 'manly' men about 'girly' guys? They are at the same time comic and contemptible. Straight men don't seem to have a problem with lesbians. Lesbians enjoy a rather prominent status in their fantasies. Of course they are severely tarted up in the translation so as to affect an aesthetic few lesbians I know would dare (they'd be laughed out of the club). But it seems that the spirited foppery of fluffy young men is regarded as an unforgivable betrayal of the stony countenance real men were supposedly born to convey. Most of the YouTube noise employs pseudo-science, sweeping generalization, and a very sloppy glossary of terms. But that's only when the postings rise above "I'm going to find you and make you a red smear, QUEER!" (that one, I've deduced, was from a young lady. ) I invite you to read those lines, if you're so inclined, but for the moment let me try to read between them. Nasty hate talk from teen-aged girls, I'm guessing that could be from your daughter tapping away in the other room. I know she didn't get those ideas from you. Girls have to plunge onto a social scene at this age in order to cut out some of the competition. Of course they're fresh from playing Barbie (maybe Bratz) with boys they now threaten to kill, but it's no revelation that they're fickle creatures. The hate-speak is culled from and is re-spewed for the benefit of the boys they hope to impress. It is my theory that most men are thoroughly opinionated by the age of thirteen and that it takes a life-altering experience like; the girlfriend who used to do my laundry left me all of a sudden or, my boss won't let me talk to the clients, before it would occur to them to revisit any of their firmly held isms. Rarely reexamined is the one formed the day the grade school coach put the boy who spent most of his time practicing calligraphy out into right field. Someone should have told that poor boy that although you will be left to stand alone in the middle of a grassy field with time to ponder sources for illustrations for your next report on the six wives of Henry the Eighth, rare life-altering occasions will present themselves in the form of balls falling from the sky. If you do not wish other things thrown at you for the next decade ( like milkshakes or rude epithets), catch that ball! Not catching it is something that cannot be made up for later by good form in floor exercises or being the most sought-after square dancing partner. What, other than 'games' lost to homo incompetence, could incur such a vehement life-long response? Later. This is exactly when the transformation into a riotous queen begins, with the acceptance of the obvious things about one's self that one might still choose to alter- if there was any use in doing so. Some people are just not equipped to base their self-worth on an ability to deploy and recover errant projectiles, no matter how invested such a proclivity is in the 'nature' of one's sex. Young queers, very much like young girls, seek to punish and intimidate the people who reject them. Could this be a source of the animosity? Or, as in the case of the upwardly mobile homosexual who might have had these options and made different choices, does the femme represent a height of 'fabulous' yet undeserved. Does the clownish mincer make being taken seriously in a serious world all the more difficult/ imperative? Suggested reading; "The Naked Civil Servant" by Quentin Crisp. What I'm hearing is that, aside from being "rounded up into prison camps and gassed", flamers should stop 'denying' their gender. Arguments to this end come dangerously close to calling women 'unnatural'. The ideas are presented as if endowed with a universal wisdom. - men shouldn't act like women, it disgraces them... and anyone else who sees them doing it! I have a one word response; Stopallthisgettin'uptight'causesometimeswhenyou'rewatchingJoey
You're Not Gay! Leave the nancy boys alone, and go shoot some hoops!

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