Tuesday, May 22, 2007

a/symmetrical talking head

MSNBC court moderator Dan Abrams was filling in for Joe Scarborough last night, revealing more than his playful side. In one segment I was reminded that he kind of looks like a Sylvester Stallone who's gone through five weeks in a rock tumbler. I'm dying to get a look at his Mom- he bears not the faintest resemblance to his Dad (General? ? Abrams, ret.?). Start with the hair, an unusual high-riding left-side part (the anti-John Edwards) that sort of flattens out top-right. Down past a whole lot of forehead to the eyebrows, an enviable ogee- the left one, slightly more full, wants to stay a little lower but jumps archingly north at the turn of a phrase. The right one will travel, but seems to take it's orders from the left. Eyes- fully lidded, the left eyeball and iris noticeably larger, and lower in repose, but when excited the right one widens to mirror it. Overall, the effect is Botticellian. The right nostril is slightly higher than the left. It's not as if the bridge veers off to the left, at least not like that Iraq correspondent on CNN (He's another chapter in the book of asymmetry)- could it be that while the nostrils themselves are centered horizontally on the face, and the lumber-straight bridge perfectly plumb, it is oriented a scoshe to the left? where is my HDTV? Though on the whole his mouth is smallish, he is capable of quite a wide grin. The lips are full and expressive, presenting a retinue of shapes so rapidly variant you have to wonder if it's all being done with a flip-book of head shots. I'm reminded of the old 'Clutch Cargo' series with filmed mouths super-imposed on cartoon adventurers. The top lip is what I would call 'eely', the right side rising frequently into an Elvis sneer and then less often mirrored by the left side- operationally converse to the eyebrows. The right ear is by a good half inch larger than the left (a challenge to the trimming of sideburns), and the upper left canine more prominent than the right. One lower right incisor does not reach the height of it's neighbors (almost canceling out the effect of the larger left iris). In total, each horizontal variant is ameliorated by some vertical counter-[thing], the geographical center of the face remaining where it should; at the intersection of the (mean])eye line-nose bridge quadrants . Though I hope he too will take the advice I offered Ralph Reed (are they hanging out together?)- he was definitely a refreshing alternative to watching Joe, who can be rendered with a keypad [ : [ }>== , but he needs more substantive copy to capture an interest in anything but that squirming palette of entrancingly lop-sided features.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

But he has those ohhhh so kissable lips