Saturday, May 12, 2007

diatribe/ apologize to sender

RE: Don't pump gas on May 15th

thanks for the serial spam- I generally only get gas for going to places I
don't want to go, is that activism? If I have my way I'll be spending the
ides of may at home on my ass, unless I have a reason to go to South Jersey
where gas is five cents cheaper, is that too a message to a deaf
Do your part and get these people on the right track. Stop spending money
going to places you don't want to go! Walk to the dry cleaners and call
your boss, " I'll be late because I have to walk to the dry cleaners" Tell
your Mom " I'd love to come over and listen to how many ways my life could
have been easier, that should certainly be worth 39 cents, write me a
letter". Tell your doctor " I'm sick, remember house-calls?" I don't care
about being glib and impractical, these people rely on you, TELL THEM THAT!
Stop this stupid hippie stick-it to-the-man approach and get your bosses,
doctors and Moms to fight for you. When haven't they won.

That would be 'Typing While Intoxicated', my apologies. I seriously threw my back out chaperoning A's field trip to Ellis Island and had employed a Kevorchian dose of bourbon to combat my (southern) discomfort last night. Once upon a time I would probably have woken up in another state with a new hair color- these days not only can I baffle a large group of serious people I never laid eyes on, but I can also manage to undermine the closely held outrage that would bind me to them, and oh, leave my email address. On the flip side of that, I was typing- not driving, and as I stated, my plan, if possible, is to spend the day in a chair- not a car. I have been powerless to shake the compulsion to play the devil's advocate despite my high regard for tact. At it's most ridiculous point I argued that when assembling a PBJ it is more consciencious to spread the peanut butter first because it is easier to leave jelly in the peanut butter jar than it is to leave peanut butter in the jelly jar. Also, it is not a JPB. That one got me thrown out of the house, well actually, the trailer of a girlfriend I had hitchhiked three hundred miles to see. (despite my contrition, I still make them that way) I digress. If these are people you actually know ( I ,personally, am not, to my knowledge, in the same social orbit as employees [or those with questionable access to and useage of the office equipment] of jcpenney) .... I was going to say 'make up some story about your stalking and hacking former fiance' but Michael had a much better idea- in a matter of seconds he created a blog for me. With your permission, this posting will be my first entry. Make it quick though, I'm going out for chinese food and as soon as I get back, I'm off and running! x P.

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