Tuesday, November 4, 2008

more olio

  • Loathe as I am to inspire partisanship, I have to align myself with Governor Ed Rendell this evening; to paraphrase- I want to crush them!
  • Swallowing hard for a purchase sure to go the way of my 'brother' electric typewriter, probably before I finish this sentence, I now have the capacity to assign acres of vinyl to the giga-goblins. The guy who checks out your receipt on the way out the door says; "What's with vinyl comin' back" From his lips to God's ears.
  • Today Delaware made it so easy to cast a vote for Joe Biden. Pithiest lawn signs ever; "Delaware's Joe Biden".
  • I had an interesting job last week; painting a 62' high burro for a Carnival Cruise commercial. Thousands of Philadelphia children gathered for an event culminating in the not breaking open of the [Guinness Book of World Records certified] World's Largest Pinata (sorry, can't locate tilde). This time not required to sign a confidentiality agreement I'll disclose; they're sending it back to L.A. to re-shoot. Philly Police put on the brakes- lives would have been lost in the rabid grab, I feared for my own. My observation was that more than just a handful of that crowd needed an introduction to Mr. Green Vegetable. The crowd's disappointment at being turned away after waiting for four hours to get in the gate [but after the helicopter shot was in the can] was probably best expressed by a nine-year-old girl carrying a 'Hannah Montana' purse; "BURN IT DOWN!!!"
  • Who else senses an abnormally high populous of disingenuous lesbians on FOXNews?
  • Responding on-air to a collegue, [ingenious] Rachel Maddow says "he [Barrack Obama] complimented my pants." I can think of three ways to take that.
  • To anyone who thinks my post, 'drapes', was too persnickety- don't make me come to your house, drink too much bourbon, and re-arrange your furniture. It's happened. (Okay, it happens often)
  • Sports analogies- please stop. As hard as Chris Matthews is to stomach when he latches on to some obscure film analogy for political events, so too is any reference to a situation in a game I do not follow- and that would be almost everything outside of Men's Diving. If there is something to be said about political risk-taking, please do not employ a 'Sports vis a vis Catholic' description like "Hail Mary" phrase to say it- you lose me.
  • Two years in, Undecided = contempt for pollsters, unless they prefer "addle-brained".
  • My 50th birthday is two days off. My wish list includes; international food packaging with homoerotic inferences, i.e. Cock Soup, a 'Laverne & Shirley' lunch box, Arizona quarters, a replacement 'Alf' coffee mug, sugar-free candied ginger (good luck), a 'Last Supper' belt buckle, and melon-ballers of every size. No rush, I stay 49 until this list is realized.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey sweetie,

Cricket just gave me your blog's URL. Welcome to the virtual world!

You are off to a strong start and I can't wait to see how it develops. Careful, this can be addictive.

I write under a nom de plume, to save the only member of my family who talks to me any pain. My mother has stood close, whilst my father and sister refuse to see me.

They are computer savvy enough to come across a blog under my name (Karen W.) and might use it to turn my mother from me.

Anyway, I only knew how to e-mail when I started in April. Now I know what the hell HTML is and how to hack into it. Sometimes!

I'll be back. My love to you, Michael and the kids.