Monday, September 8, 2008

klondike sal

My, what a tangle of latched-onto opportunities this Republican platform has turned out to be. What I saw [at the convention] was; an exclamation of surprise from the (P)resident that his lawless rein of misrepresented initiatives has angered the left (forgetting, momentarily I suppose, that about half of his own Party are echoing their sentiments); a photo-op with the ghost of the twin towers; snide dismissals of community service, conservation, and diplomacy; selectively fluffed biographies; and the introduction of a self-described pit bull in lipstick (which I am ready to believe). I saw a self-emaciated trophy heiress in a $300,000. dress use her adopted daughter to nominate herself as the great white hope of brown little girls the world over (Mother Teresa owes her bigtime), a promise as smug as it was hollow that "Special Needs children" would have friends in high places, and perhaps the most scurrilous charge of misogynistic muck-raking Us magazine has ever known. I was taking it all in stride until... the woman who looks like she stepped out of a Lens Crafters ad took a swipe at set designers with her belittling comment about Styro-Foam columns. Just where does she think that is going to get her? It is not with a great amount of pride that I report that one of the few reliable sources of income I've had in the past eight years has been filling Republican convention halls, inaugurals and after-parties with...what? Scenery- the staging of every conceivable fantasy from a simple evening in "Margaritaville" to the full-out ensconcement of George II on a neo-Roman dais at the foot of the Lincoln Memorial. The day I spent gluing red glitter to a nine foot cut-out of the State of Texas to read; "Bush Country", was surely a concession to putting Froot Loops on my table that has stained my very soul. If that woman hasn't paused to imagine the life-sized foam moose that is undoubtedly waiting for her at some $1000. a plate "McCain raisin' " event, then her expectations just aren't high enough, yet. There are bound not to be many surprises from her in the coming weeks- until the scrappy little maverick has had time to integrate more of the Party planks into her comedy routine. In place of a candid reaction to pressing issues we can expect only the replay button to be pressed on the "Palin-drone" we saw at the Convention. I may have to agree with her surrogates- she and her family are undeserving of space in the tabloids...for red-necks, they are quite unremarkable. But what DO you buy your sister for Mother's Day?

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