Thursday, January 3, 2008


There we have it. Republicans, Democrats, and Close-mouthed-On-The-Cut-Of-Their-Political-Jibs alike- Iowans went with 'change'. For the Democrats- job well done; not only for pulling record numbers away from Ugly Betty and out into the cold, but for distilling the mind-boogling array of substantive issues into a cogent snipe-fest worthy of year-long MSM coverage. How many news cycles did we spend hashing through the "Hussein" quandary (would he be able to shake the nefarious implication in a general)? Will our next Commander-In-Chief be sporting pearls or diamonds? Myrtle Gooch, the retired key punch operator from Fleasburg, South Dakota-with an un-insured bi-polar boyfriend sharing her 'double-wide' trailer and an arsonist son carrying out the remainder of his house arrest in Iraq, has QVC on the line: she needs to know NOW. And wasn't that $400. invoice for a 'haircut' just bookkeeper code for 'Botox'? Some could argue that our greatest hope for the future is that there will be one (asking for anything greater would be audacious), but in the end Mo got Eeny and Meeny good! Miney never stood a chance. For the Republicans- likewise; running a low budget campaign in the Bible Basket against the seductive influence of a handsome corporate millionaire from New England who is rumoured to believe that Jesus was Satan's brother couldn't have been easy. Spelling Huckabee is in itself a feat (it's 'hucka...' without the '...alzabub'). I'll bet there was a whole lot of "kneeling before God" going on it those living rooms. This message of change has lifted us all. As a Democrat I am happy that we are all spared the many decades of experience my own state's candidate might have muddled the debate with (droning on the way he does about this warring faction and that belligerent government agency- save it for Larry King), and relieved that my vote for substance over buzz words has been pre-empted by a process that to this outsider sounds for all the world like a politically charged quilting bee. Thank you, Iowa. Now, if I'm lucky, I won't have to wait for the convention to find out which sparkling speechifyer we go into battle with. Which vision will America embrace?; change with experience, change with hope, change with not a whole lot of change, change of wives, or change without evolutionary change.

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