Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Who has time to sit around filling ashtrays and channeling thoughts into typewritten words when there is so much else to be done? Actual things that need actual doing! Tomatoes to transplant, stamps to buy, ...blood to wash off the vinyl siding. There's a quick story about that last one. Lulu, our great Dane, had the bad luck to be wagging her tail in too close proximity to a slamming car door. She lost about three inches in all- I know this because about a month later I found her laying in the driveway, licking the amputated bit of tail which had escaped us. She's healed up nicely though, and doesn't seem to have been put off tail wagging. Thoughts about my three and a half months working in Massachussetts were recorded (in haiku form) in an illustrated journal and I've been keeping up with friends (in haiku form) with text messages. The once all important blog has been pushed aside to make time for [mouthing syllables as I count on my fingers]. Once constructed they are dashed onto a tiny keypad with the corner of my right thumb and sent, sometimes for annoying or harrassing purposes, to select contacts. I am proud to report that a good percentage of the replys are also haiku. This is not to suggest that I have abandoned the blog (or the illustrated journal) as creative outlets. Surely moments still come when I can't be brief. But if I am slow to post as I have been, please understand:
I've run on some time, in sentences that dizzy. Let's all get some sun.